Sport psychology

Sports psychology


  • Psychophysiological profile of the athlete
  • Cognitive skills training (Attention, Concentration, Work memory)
  • Relaxation techiniques
  • Goal Setting
  • Mindfulness
  • Management of emotions
  • Breathing techiniques
  • Biofeedback Training
  • Neurofeedback Training
  • Laterality Test
  • ILs Focus
  • Motivation
  • Self-esteem and self-efficacy
  • Visualization techiniques
  • Ideomotor training
  • Management of the psychophysical activation of the athlete


  • Stress management
  • Effective communication
  • Group management and leadership



  • Tennis ( click here for the dedicated area)
  • Golf
  • Swimming
  • Skiing
  • Snowboarding
  • Cycling
  • Fencing
  • Athletics
  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Figure skating
  • Thriatlon




The working method, that I use with athletes, draws fully from tradition of psychology of sport combined with a neurophysiological and neuroscientific approach.

I use the latest generation tools, such as biofeedback, neurofeedback, virtual reality in a theoretical framework that includes elements of mindfulness, cognitive psychotherapy and sensory-motor psychology, to improve the athlete’s performance.

I am convinced that mental preparation must be started since childhood. I work a lot with young sportsmen, teaching them the basic mind ability, the recognition of emotions, the correct breathing techiniques and in this way I introduce them to the mindfulness.

My job is also aimed at coaches and techinical staff members, as well as parents and families. This type of meetings are psychoeducational and applicative in relation to sport psychology issues that take place mainly in the area with the possibility of integration in practical excercises.




  • Protocollo EMDR: it is a structured psychotherapeutic method  that facilities the treatments of different psychopathologies and problems connected to traumatic events or more common experiences but anyway emotionally stressful. I am an EMDR certified therapist (Level 2), recognised by Europe EMDR Association and I have been a member of italian EMDR Association for 3 years. I use this treatment with athletes during the rehabilitation after an injury or to help them in the management of stressful moments or memories that generate suffering.
  • Biofeedback: the biofeedback is a psyco-physiological psychotherapeutic technique. Biological parameters, inherent to the sympathetic and parasympatetic nervous system (heart rate, muscle tension, breathing, skin conductance, brain waves), can be measured in non-invasively way through a device and some sensors, then the patient learns how to monitor and voluntarily control of unconscious biological processes. I studied at BFE association (Biofeedback Europe), through a purely theoretical basic and advanced course, then I attended the technical-practical training course to take exam for Third level european BFE certification. I use this technique to monitor the psychophysiological profile of athletes and to implement their awareness and the management of these parameters during a competition.




  • Neurofeedback: the neurofeedback is a method that uses biofeedback principles to trace a central nervous system profile of the patient, through electroencephalogram (EFG) I work on the control of cerebral waves. It is a technique that I use in many types of disorders, such as the treatments of anxiety and under stress mind.
  • Safe and Sound Protocol: the SSP is an intervention lastin 5 days that allow to reach important improvements in the following areas: anxiety and post-traumatic symptoms, social and relationship difficulties, inattention and behavioural deregulation, auditive hypersensitivity. This intervention is based on research conducted for more then twenty years by Prof. Stephen Porges, Distinguished University Scientist at Kinsey Institute and Professor at Psychiatry Department of University of North Carolina. The treatment consists in listening to music specifically developed to retune again the nervous system and thus restore a psychophysiological balance.
  • ILS focus: the “focus” method is a non-invasive clinical intervention that allows to implement brain functions and to improve the mind-body system through multisensory input: listening to specially processed sounds and physical activity. It is indicated for the treatment of ADHD, autistic spectrum, physical and language rehabilitation therapies.
  • VR Therapy: I developed together with my 10220Neurolab research team some apps for VR that are used to train cognitive ability, during training sessions too, to mange the emotions during the competition, as well as to decrease the stressful effect on performance.



  • Mental Training session (Athletes) : individual mental training session for athletes.

It is possible to choose between Classic path consisting of 10 cycles of sessions or costumized packages according to the athlese’s needs. The sessions can take place in-site or via Skype.

  • Mental Training session for children: individual or in group mental training session are specifically addressed to children up to 12 years old. During these cycles of meeting (5 or 10 it depends on context), the sports psychology and the mental training are introduced to children through theoretical and practice sessions.
  • Mental training session for families: individual or in group session for families. The structure of this path can be customized according to the partecipants logistical needs and the topics of major interest. The course is divided into sessions that take place in
  • Mental Training session for coach and staff: individual or in group session for sport club staff or for coaches. The structure of this path can be customized according to the partecipants logistical needs and the topics of major interest. The path is divided in practical and theoretical sessions. Sessions can take place in-site or via Skype.
  • Biofeedback training: Cycle of training session using biofeedback, useful for improving some psychophysiological parameters involved in sports.
  • Neurofeedback training: Cycle of training session using neurofeedback, that works through awareness of brain activity on stress management and on concentration.
  • Safe and Sound Protocol: Intervention structured in 5 days based on Stephen Porges’ theory, useful for the regulation of the autonomic nervous system.
  • ILS focus: cycle of “ILS Focus” sessions for improvement of the body-mind system and the training of concentration and attention.
  • VR Therapy: cycle of sessions structured through the use of virtual reality and, in particular an app we especially created for training of cognitive ability in sports.
  • Supervisions: if sports psychologist colleagues want to deepen my work methodology and introduce me their patients, I will supervise gladly.